بازگشت   تنیس تاکرز > تورنمنت های گذشته > آرشـیـو فصلهای گذشته > آرشیو فصل 2009 > تورنمنتهای مردان > U.S. Open

U.S. Open

August 31-September 13, New York, N.Y., U.S.A.

نمایش نتیجه های نظرسنجی ها: به نظر شما چه كسی قهرمان مسابقات یو اس اپن مي شود؟!
راجر فدرر 34 60.71%
اندی موری 3 5.36%
رافائل نادال 13 23.21%
نواك جوكوويچ 2 3.57%
اندی رادیك 0 0%
خوان مارتين دلپوترو 4 7.14%
جو ويلفرد سونگا 0 0%
نيكلای داويدنكو 0 0%
ديگر بازيكنان 0 0%
رأی دهندگان: 56. شما نمی توانید در این نظرسنجی رای دهید.

ابزارهای موضوع نحوه نمایش
قدیمی 09-07-2009, 05:56 PM   #411
Roger's Fan
آواتار Saeedzr
تاریخ عضویت: Jan 2009
پستها: 476
سپاس: 14,095
در 475 پست 3,759 بار سپاسگزاری شده
بازیکن (های) مورد علاقه: هر چی کلنجار رفتم دیدم فقط به راجر میتونم فکر کنم
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نوشته اصلی توسط afshinbarani نمایش پست ها
پسر خوب مشکلت اینه که نمیدونی چقدر این سه زبان به هم نزدیکن . . . و غالبا توی سوئیس هه دو زبانه اند . . . مثه همون عربهایی که هم عربی بلدن هم فارسی ! حالا فرض کن در کنارش انگلیسی هم یاد بگیرن . . . خیلی چیز عجیبی نیست پسر خوب
آلمانی و فرانسوی به هم نزدیکن؟!

شاید حروفشون یکی باشه،که میشه مثل فارسی و عربی
دلیل به نزدیکی کلی نمیشه که.

البته من جسارتی نمیکنم که بگم شما خدای نکرده مشکل دارید
ولی بلد بودن یک زبان تا تسلط کامل داشتن در اون از زمین تا زیرزمین فرقشه

(در کل این رو قبول دارم که کار راجر برای یاد گرفتن این چند زبان شاید آسونتر از بقیه کسانی باشه که در سوئیس نیستند،مثلا کلا اسپانیایی ها در یاد گرفتن زبانهای دیگه همیشه مشکل دارند،و جالب اینه که در قسمتهای جنوب شرق آمریکا که اسپانیایی زبانها خیلی زیاد هستند،یه جورایی اونا وظیفه بقیه رو میدونند که اسپانیایی یاد بگیرند،و خیلیهاشون انگلیسی یلد نیستند یا به سختی صحبت میکنند)

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نوشته اصلی توسط afshinbarani نمایش پست ها
سعید اون امضا رو که خوندم تا یک ساعت میخندیدم
یعنی واقعا نمیدونی چرا هنری نکرده ؟!
چون که بعد از گرفتن امتیازا نمیگه واموس !
تازه بعد قهرمانی به جای افتادن روی زمین میپره بالا !
این دو مورد رو مورد توجه قرار بدی دیگه میفهمی چی میشه

اون تیکه که قرمز کردم خیلی باحال بود
Saeedzr آنلاین نیست.   پاسخ با نقل قول
5 کاربر زیر از شما کاربر گرامی Saeedzr به خاطر این پست سپاسگزاری کرده اند:
قدیمی 09-07-2009, 06:00 PM   #412
آواتار Dreamfall
تاریخ عضویت: Jul 2009
پستها: 53
سپاس: 80
در 50 پست 323 بار سپاسگزاری شده
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نوشته اصلی توسط afshinbarani نمایش پست ها
بابا جون همین دو هفته پیش بود که سینسیناتی تموم شد ها !
یادت رفته راجر سمی و فاینال رو چطور بازی کرد ؟
واقعا هنوز متوجه نشدی که راجر توی این تورنمنت بازیهای اول رو به خودش سخت نمیگیره ؟
خیال کردی فدرر اگه با نادال هم بازی کنه مثه بازی با هیوئیت50 تا ارور میده ؟
حیف که رافا توان رسیدن به فینال رو نداره !
البته من خودم طرفدار فدررم و این فقط نظرم بود. راستش من بازی‌هایی را از فدرر دیده‌ام که این سینسیناتی پیش آن هیچ هستند. ثانیا مگر فراموش کردید که فدرر در فینال آزاد فرانسه ۲۰۰۸ در مقابل نادال ۴۹ خطای unforced کرد (اگر اشتباه نکنم). حالا می‌گویم طرفداران فدرر زیاد به هم نپرند بهتر باشد (قبلاً نادالی‌های و راجری‌ها بودند حالا خودمان شروع کردیم!!!) etc.
Dreamfall آنلاین نیست.   پاسخ با نقل قول
10 کاربر زیر از شما کاربر گرامی Dreamfall به خاطر این پست سپاسگزاری کرده اند:
قدیمی 09-07-2009, 06:07 PM   #413
Former Staff
آواتار Afshin
تاریخ عضویت: May 2009
محل سکونت: Iran-Ahvaz
پستها: 2,906
سپاس: 19,092
در 2,916 پست 30,306 بار سپاسگزاری شده
بازیکن (های) مورد علاقه: Roger Federer
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بله منم بازیهایی از راجر دیدم که چندین برابر بهتر از سینسیناتی بوده. . .
ولی نزدیکترینشون رو گفتم که دوباره نادالیها نیان بگن راجر تموم شده و این بازیهای مال گذشتس
Afshin آنلاین نیست.   پاسخ با نقل قول
5 کاربر زیر از شما کاربر گرامی Afshin به خاطر این پست سپاسگزاری کرده اند:
قدیمی 09-07-2009, 06:54 PM   #414
Roger's Fan
آواتار Rio
تاریخ عضویت: May 2009
پستها: 3,457
سپاس: 4,547
در 3,416 پست 18,618 بار سپاسگزاری شده
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البته بجز موقعیت جغرافیایی بعضی ها استعداد یادگیری زبان
دیگری بغیر از زبان مادری را دارند.
مثل ریاضی میمونه احتمالا به افرادی برخوردین که شماره
تلفن ها رو خیلی خوب بخاطر میسپرن.
خیلی ها با اونکه سالهاست تو یه کشور دیگه زندگی میکنن
نمیتونن زبون اون کشور رو یادبگیرن.
راجــــر عزیز از هر نظر بــــی همتـــــــــاســــت دوستـــان
Rio آنلاین نیست.   پاسخ با نقل قول
6 کاربر زیر از شما کاربر گرامی Rio به خاطر این پست سپاسگزاری کرده اند:
قدیمی 09-07-2009, 07:03 PM   #415
Hossein Murray
Murray's Fan
آواتار Hossein Murray
تاریخ عضویت: Mar 2009
پستها: 770
سپاس: 4,607
در 706 پست 5,460 بار سپاسگزاری شده
بازیکن (های) مورد علاقه: Andy Murray , Stefan Edberg , Ana Ivanovic Andy Roddick , Roger& Rafa
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نقل قول:
نوشته اصلی توسط Rafa نمایش پست ها
عجب حالی کردن وقتی رافا بلوزش رو در آورد!
بابا مردم بی جنبه ... دخترا موبایلارو درآوردن ذرت ذرت عکس می گرفتن ... بابا تو آمریکا دیگه آخه ...
Hossein Murray آنلاین نیست.   پاسخ با نقل قول
8 کاربر زیر از شما کاربر گرامی Hossein Murray به خاطر این پست سپاسگزاری کرده اند:
قدیمی 09-07-2009, 07:04 PM   #416
Hossein Murray
Murray's Fan
آواتار Hossein Murray
تاریخ عضویت: Mar 2009
پستها: 770
سپاس: 4,607
در 706 پست 5,460 بار سپاسگزاری شده
بازیکن (های) مورد علاقه: Andy Murray , Stefan Edberg , Ana Ivanovic Andy Roddick , Roger& Rafa
پیش فرض

مصاحبه ها :
US Open Interview: Andy Murray September 6th 2009

Q. Taylor said that your return of serve made him feel as if I was serving under armed. When you're in that groove, what does it feel like?
ANDY MURRAY: Well, yeah, it's nice. I mean, something that I practice a lot. I think it's I view the returns being as important as the serves, so I practice it loads and have Miles serve at me from just behind the service line. So I'm used to returning hard serves.
You know, obviously returned well today, and always liked it when guys come forward against me and serve and volley.

Q. So Miles comes in a couple yards within, so to speak, similar to...
ANDY MURRAY: Yes, I mean, he stands pretty much a meter like halfway between the service line and the baseline. I mean, he does that that's before every match, not just guys that serve big. He always serves from there so that it's more realistic.

Q. What's the key to returning serves at that speed? Is it reading where he's gonna hit it or your reactions?
ANDY MURRAY: Well, I mean, a lot of it depends. Against someone like him, he's not like Gulbis is taller and his serve comes up a lot higher and he's not serving and volleying.
You really want to get the ball back in play against him, because even if you if you hit a really clean return against a guy that's not serving and volleying, you know, they can dictate the point because you're out of position.
You know, against someone like Taylor, he has a low ball toss. His serve comes through a lot lower. You need to make sure you hit a good return, because he's coming into the net. You can't leave the ball high and you can't block the returns.
That's really the most important thing: return differently against every player. I don't think you can return the same way against everybody.

Q. Is it fun to play against someone like Taylor? Because he's so different from a lot of guys out there coming to the net so often.
ANDY MURRAY: I wouldn't say it's fun. I mean, I've always it's just different. You know, you need to make sure you adapt your game properly. You know, that can sometimes take a little bit longer, because it never really happens where you got a guy that comes forward as much as him and slices a lot. He obviously has a big serve, too.
So you need to make sure you're ready from the start. Obviously serve started well. Broke him early, and unfortunately pretty much got broken right back. It's been happening a lot today I saw in some of the matches. Managed to stay strong and closed it out well.

Q. Getting your own business done was the most important thing, but were you aware of Rafa's problems? Does it become a talking point when he's down on the floor getting treatment?
ANDY MURRAY: No, I knew he had that problem since Montreal or whenever he did it. You know, he's had the tape on his abs. Being in the locker room, we obviously can see that.
You never now how bad it is. To me, after he had the treatment, from what I saw, didn't look like ti affected him that much. Maybe lost one more game after that.
You never know, because things can get better in a couple of days, or sometimes they get worse. You just have to focus on your own matches not what's going on in the other players.

Q. How would you assess yourself going into the semis?
ANDY MURRAY: I played three pretty different players. First one was a big sever who stayed at the back. Second one didn't hit the ball that big, but really had nothing to lose. Taylor obviously is a serve and volleyer.
I thought I dealt with the different tests that were sort of put in front of me pretty well. Try and play like that for the next few matches.

Q. And Cilic? Thoughts?
ANDY MURRAY: He's tough. He's top 20. Got a big serve. Moves pretty well for a big guy.
Again, I mean, it's kind of similar to Gulbis, just a lot more solid. I'll have to make sure I return well against him because he's got a good serve, and be solid from the back of the court.
I'm not gonna get as many free points on my own serve because he returns a bit better than Taylor. It's gonna be a tough match.

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7 کاربر زیر از شما کاربر گرامی Hossein Murray به خاطر این پست سپاسگزاری کرده اند:
قدیمی 09-07-2009, 07:04 PM   #417
Hossein Murray
Murray's Fan
آواتار Hossein Murray
تاریخ عضویت: Mar 2009
پستها: 770
سپاس: 4,607
در 706 پست 5,460 بار سپاسگزاری شده
بازیکن (های) مورد علاقه: Andy Murray , Stefan Edberg , Ana Ivanovic Andy Roddick , Roger& Rafa
پیش فرض

US Open Interview: Rafael Nadal September 6th 2009

Q. What did the doctor say about your injury? Are you worried for the next matches?
RAFAEL NADAL: No, I don't want to talk about injuries. Sorry. No, no, I am a little bit tired to talk about injuries. I am here to try my best every day.
I won the match in three sets, so happy for that. I'm going to try my best next round. That's all.

Q. How motivated are you by the fact this is the only Grand Slam tournament you've never won? Was that a factor in deciding to come back for this tournament?
RAFAEL NADAL: No more motivation than before, no, because is a Grand Slam, no? Is a very big tournament.
So, yeah, the true is, well, is the only one who remains for me of the slams. Yeah, sure if any day I win here is important going to be very important title for me, no?
But you know how tough is everything. Important thing is try my best every year when I come here and wait, feel good.

Q. Was it a factor at all in deciding to come back?
RAFAEL NADAL: Factor of what?

Q. That you've never won.
RAFAEL NADAL: I am playing here. I always played here. I always gonna play here. No one wants to miss another Grand Slam.

Q. You said you didn't want to talk about injuries. Was that your knee or the abdominal situation?
RAFAEL NADAL: I said I don't want to talk about injuries (laughter).

Q. Can you at least talk about how you felt after you got the treatment for the rest of the match?
RAFAEL NADAL: I won 6 4, so you can see I didn't serve very fast. But I think I played better from the baseline than before.

Q. So outside of the serve, where did you feel your level was today?
RAFAEL NADAL: Up and down a little bit, yeah. Almagro played really aggressive. I played a little bit short. I have to play more aggressive for next round, for sure. I gonna do.

Q. Nicolas was playing very tough, especially in the first set. You had problems closing it down. How do you feel about that?
RAFAEL NADAL: I didn't serve very well, no? So he had more chances to attack me on the return.
But, anyway, he was playing very hard, very aggressive. Was difficult for me have the control of the point, no?
But I have to play more aggressive for the next match, sure. For today was enough, so happy for that. I am sure I can do it better.

Q. If you play Monfils, can you talk about that matchup, what you have to do.
RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, I know him and he knows me. I beat him a few times. He beat me one time, I think.
Always tough opponent, no? Very, very fast player with a good serve. Very athletic player. So going to be very difficult match, anyway.
Acasuso, Monfils, they are playing well, going to be difficult.

Q. Near the end he hit a shot that went into the net and he threw his shirt over his head and got a laugh. What was your reaction to that?

Q. When he hit the ball into the net. He put his shirt over his head then smiled at the crowd.
RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, well, he was losing two sets. Yeah, was a limit moment for him, no? Yeah, I think was good, no? He had a good tactic on court today.

Q. We are used to see you much more cheerful, especially after a win. Today you answer as if you're not happy.
RAFAEL NADAL: No, but I know I came here and I know everybody want to talk about the injury. I really don't want to talk about that. That's the thing.

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7 کاربر زیر از شما کاربر گرامی Hossein Murray به خاطر این پست سپاسگزاری کرده اند:
قدیمی 09-07-2009, 07:06 PM   #418
Hossein Murray
Murray's Fan
آواتار Hossein Murray
تاریخ عضویت: Mar 2009
پستها: 770
سپاس: 4,607
در 706 پست 5,460 بار سپاسگزاری شده
بازیکن (های) مورد علاقه: Andy Murray , Stefan Edberg , Ana Ivanovic Andy Roddick , Roger& Rafa
پیش فرض

US Open Interview: Juan Martin Del Potro September 6th

Q. The way that guy was on the court, was that distracting at all?

JUAN MARTIN DEL POTRO: Yeah, of course. Is too difficult play against Koellerer, because you never know what he gonna do after the point.

But I was so focus with my game, I always try to do my play. Sometimes I was nervous and I feel the pression, but after I did a good job.

Q. Djokovic said a few weeks ago that with all these great players coming around maybe he came around at the wrong era. Do you feel that way?

JUAN MARTIN DEL POTRO: Yeah, my feeling is I have very good players from me to the No. 1. For sure, Roger, Rafa, Murray, they are two or three step more than me. I working hard every day hard to be like them.

But if I play for many years in this level, then they gonna retire and I gonna be much better, so...

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5 کاربر زیر از شما کاربر گرامی Hossein Murray به خاطر این پست سپاسگزاری کرده اند:
قدیمی 09-07-2009, 07:10 PM   #419
Roger's Fan
آواتار Rio
تاریخ عضویت: May 2009
پستها: 3,457
سپاس: 4,547
در 3,416 پست 18,618 بار سپاسگزاری شده
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بیچاره داویدنکو هر کاری میکنه از پس این سودرلینگ بر نمیاد!
خشایار بهش چشم زد!
هی گفت افتاده با چند تا چپرچلاق!
Rio آنلاین نیست.   پاسخ با نقل قول
5 کاربر زیر از شما کاربر گرامی Rio به خاطر این پست سپاسگزاری کرده اند:
قدیمی 09-07-2009, 07:18 PM   #420
Roger's Fan
آواتار Rio
تاریخ عضویت: May 2009
پستها: 3,457
سپاس: 4,547
در 3,416 پست 18,618 بار سپاسگزاری شده
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نقل قول:
نوشته اصلی توسط Dreamfall نمایش پست ها
به نظر من اگر قرار باشد رقابتی رودررو میان فدرر و نادال در دیدار نهایی صورت گیرد باز هم نادال پیروز خواهد بود. فراموش نباید کرد که فدرر اکنون ۲۸ ساله است و در آن دنیای چندسال پیش نیست که بتواند تمام فورهندهای مرگبارش را با حرکات کامل بدن و با سرعت بزند تا نادال نتواند استایل aggressive خود را پیش بکشد؛ از طرف دیگر نباید فراموش کرد که سرویس‌های فدرر افت محسوسی داشته‌اند؛ در نقطهٔ مقابل نادال نسبت به دو تورنمنت پیشین پیشرفت داشته و بدون شک آماده است.
اگه نادال بخواد اشتباه گذشته را تکرار کنه دوباره باید
بره دو تا گرند اسلم رو از TV تماشا کنه.

در مورد آمادگی هم موافقم. وقتی کسی تا مراحل بالای تورنمنت
میاد بالا یعنی آماده است.

Rio آنلاین نیست.   پاسخ با نقل قول
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