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U.S. Open

August 31-September 13, New York, N.Y., U.S.A.

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قدیمی 08-31-2009, 04:24 PM   #161
Hossein Murray
Murray's Fan
آواتار Hossein Murray
تاریخ عضویت: Mar 2009
پستها: 770
سپاس: 4,607
در 706 پست 5,460 بار سپاسگزاری شده
بازیکن (های) مورد علاقه: Andy Murray , Stefan Edberg , Ana Ivanovic Andy Roddick , Roger& Rafa
پیش فرض

US Open Interview: Andy Roddick August 29, 2009

Q. Novak made these comments last week he felt he was born at the wrong year or wrong time because of Roger's and Rafa's dominance. Just curious about your thoughts to that. Do you relate to that at all or do you think he was making an excuse?
ANDY RODDICK: No, I'm not really going to talk about what he feels because I feel like he'd probably be the best one for that, but you play the hand you're dealt. I don't think at any point that I sit around and feel sorry for myself. I feel pretty fortunate. Obviously titles would probably be a little bit easier but there have been great champions that you have to go through every era in tennis.

Q. Have you been in any way surprised to see Federer coming back so fast and so eager to do so well after having won Wimbledon?

Q. Where do you think he finds that motivation?
ANDY RODDICK: Again that's a question he'd probably answer better than I would. I'm not surprised to see him come back and play well. That's actually very not surprising for me.

Q. By 2014 the US Open will be the only Grand Slam without a roof. Should the USTA add a roof to here at Flushing Meadows?
ANDY RODDICK: I mean, I don't know. You know, we've played -- all the Grand Slams have been played a pretty long time without one. I think it's a rarity that it gets backed up enough to where it becomes a real problem. Plus then when would we watch Connors and Krickstein again?

Q. You're also not too shy about being on social media. You are on Twitter a lot and this morning I noticed you were reacting to the warning that was given out about Tweeting inside information.

Q. Any further thoughts on that?
ANDY RODDICK: No, it was fine. I found the warning humorous. I understand the precautions being taken as far as the anti-gambling laws and the inside information, but I feel like the last place you would put inside information is on a public site for everybody to see.
Secondly, the part where it's like, we'll be monitoring, watch what you do besides tennis, also, I thought that was a little bit much. And the best part about it was I went to the US Open website and found a link to my Twitter page, and they have an iPhone app that connects you to their Twitter page, which I thought was amusing. (laughter.) Whoops.

Q. You've had time now to digest what happened at Wimbledon. Has your perspective on that changed? I mean, is that something from, you know, in the immediate aftermath I would imagine nothing but heartbreak and disappointment.
ANDY RODDICK: Sure, yeah.
Yeah, I mean, I think for the first two or three weeks afterwards I think it changed daily. But like anything, kind of the more you distance yourself from it, you start remembering, you know, the better things about it as opposed to the most disappointing things about it. You know, I promise you, I wish more than anything that I would have won that tournament, but at the same time, I'm still going to move on and keep going with the plan that we've set in place, because I feel like it is working.

Q. How are you, say, compared to a year ago a different player when you step on the court?
ANDY RODDICK: Oh, comparatively speaking to last year, at this point last year I felt like I was playing catchup, and not just from a tennis perspective but I was behind the ball as far as fitness and health, and I was coming in here literally hoping to win a couple matches, and you know, this year I feel, you know, a lot more confident of my ability to go out there and play well and execute.

Q. You probably don't remember watching Super Saturday, but that day come into your consciousness or do you have any memories of...
ANDY RODDICK: The first match I actually remember seeing was Chang-Lendl in '89. Anything before that was purely something that I saw after the fact, but, you know, Super Saturday, that day was amazing because it went till -- it was after midnight or something, right?

Q. 11:15. Whew, late.
ANDY RODDICK: Insane. I think it was great for tennis. I don't know if I would have wanted to get off the court at 11:15, and have to come back and play a final the next day. As far as generating buzz, I thought it was good for the sport.

Q. You have a place in the city now. How has that affected how you approach preparing for the tournament and being here? Does it seem more familiar?
ANDY RODDICK: Yeah. Yeah. I'm not as worried about my dog pooping on the carpet. (laughter.)
But that's about it. Aren't you glad you asked?

Q. Yeah.

Q. How was your Yankee Stadium experience? I know your pitch...
ANDY RODDICK: It was average at best.

Q. Have you ever met that other A-Rod?

Q. What's he like?
ANDY RODDICK: Well, I don't know him well. I've seen him in passing at dinner, you know, same restaurant a couple of times.

Q. In Manhattan or...
ANDY RODDICK: No, in Manhattan. During the tournament. That's about it.
Q. Any more advice from members of the U.S. Postal Service?
ANDY RODDICK: No, I'm scared to go home and see what my mailman has done.

Q. Sort of an SNL theme here, Will Ferrell and Alec Baldwin and Kenan. Is that the case, are a lot of cast members fans of tennis? What about your experience as a guest host?
ANDY RODDICK: Oh, gosh, that was a long time ago, but I was pretty nervous that whole week, because I had no idea what I was doing. Probably similar to what they felt out there on the court today. (laughter.)
But it was a good memory. It's something that I'm glad I did.

Q. So with Sam Querrey, with Mardy Fish, kind of creeping up in the rankings, what do you think about the state of American men's tennis now versus last year? Like what is your kind of take on the big picture?
ANDY RODDICK: I feel like it's -- I think it's going in the right direction. I think Sam's made a serious move this summer. You know, he's playing a lot better and he's winning some tough matches. I think he's really stepped it up a level, which is good.
Also, kind of -- I think with even the younger kids going back to the 14, you know, 15, 16 years old in Florida, you know, from what I hear, it's a lot more argued, and I know Patrick has been very diligent as far as putting that together. I think that's necessary, as well.

Q. Do you think having the hometown crowd behind you could help you, or is it overrated?
ANDY RODDICK: No, it's certainly never going to hurt. And also, a lot of it falls on me, you know. They can be cheering as loud as they want, if I go out there and lay an egg, it doesn't affect the match too much. It's going to help a lot more than the other way around.

Q. Do you have any sense that players arriving here this year are fresher, more eager, more prepared than they were a year ago?
ANDY RODDICK: I don't know. I really don't. To be honest, no. I haven't even thought about it.
Q. There is a young kid named Britton playing Federer in the first round. If he were to come to you and ask for advice about playing here, Grand Slam, first round against Federer, what would you say?
ANDY RODDICK: First thing I would say is warm up, try to warm up on the Stadium Court in between the finish-of-day session versus the night session. There's nothing like going out on that court and playing. I know I've actually played Scoville Jenkins here when he was in the same situation, and it took him a little while to kind of get his bearings. So I think that would be important.
I think second I would tell him to be sure to have a look around when he walks out on the court, you know, kind of take it all in, take your time before you go start warmup, so that when you don't catch yourself looking around too much when you start.

Q. When you said the Wimbledon match you think kind of hit home for people here, what do you think, you know, hit home about it? Do you think that will help you here?
ANDY RODDICK: I'm not sure. I still -- it's tough for me to be objective in that situation, because I obviously view it different than someone else would. I'm not sure what kind of made people, you know, kind of emotionally invested in it, if you will. You know, I don't know. Obviously I think it was a very high-level match. I think we were both trying our hardest, but beyond that, I think that that's for you experts to decipher.

Q. Are you as confident about your game now as you were like in that week when you came back in Washington and got to the finals? You seemed like you were pretty happy about everything and reflecting on, you know, getting all the way deep into Wimbledon. You seemed pleased. Is there anything in the last few weeks that's changed that?
ANDY RODDICK: No, no. I feel like I got the matches in this summer that I needed to, coming into the Open.
You know, I enjoy playing Grand Slam tennis. I enjoy trying to figure out a way to get through the draw and kind of everything that goes along with it. I'm just anxious to get started.
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9 کاربر زیر از شما کاربر گرامی Hossein Murray به خاطر این پست سپاسگزاری کرده اند:
قدیمی 08-31-2009, 04:26 PM   #162
Hossein Murray
Murray's Fan
آواتار Hossein Murray
تاریخ عضویت: Mar 2009
پستها: 770
سپاس: 4,607
در 706 پست 5,460 بار سپاسگزاری شده
بازیکن (های) مورد علاقه: Andy Murray , Stefan Edberg , Ana Ivanovic Andy Roddick , Roger& Rafa
پیش فرض

US Open Interview: Andy Murray August 29, 2009

Q. What carries over from last year's experience here for you?
ANDY MURRAY: Well, obviously, I mean, that was the first time I got past the quarterfinals of a Slam, so that was a great experience for me to learn, you know, to play, you know, throughout the two weeks of a Slam and feel like physically I was able to do that.
But I mean I obviously learned a lot from last year and getting to the final and the matches that I played.
You know, I went away and worked very hard after that to improve myself, so I learned a lot from last year.

Q. Were there some doubts you had in your head before that about the physical part of five-set matches?
ANDY MURRAY: Maybe when I was young, but I don't think anyone comes on the tour sort of 18, 19, you know, really knowing whether they can do that, because until you've actually done it, you don't know.
You know, like I say, the last couple years I worked very, very hard on my fitness, so I'm hoping it's not going to be a problem ever again.

Q. About a week ago Djokovic made these comments about how he thought he was born at the wrong time or born in the wrong era because of Roger and Rafa. Is that something you think he's just kind of telling it how it is or sort of a cop-out or what are your thoughts on that?
ANDY MURRAY: Well, I view Roger and Rafa as the two best rivals ever. I'm sure by the time they finish you'll have the most Slams between any two rivals maybe by quite a long way, so they're obviously two of the best ever. Pretty tough to play with those sort of guys, but at the same time it's also, in a lot of ways, I think you sort of raise your game to the competition that you play against. And you know, playing against those sort of guys, you know, when I was younger, I realized that I needed to get a lot better and work physically, and I think the game has sort of gone maybe in the last four or five years to another level physically.
You know, I don't feel like I was unfortunate to be born in this era. I think it's a great thing to play alongside those two.

Q. Come 2014, US Open will be the only Grand Slam without a retractable roof. Should the US Open have a roof?
ANDY MURRAY: Maybe not a roof. Maybe covers. I mean, I don't know -- I've seen a few times since I've been here when it's rained they sort of have like 100 people out on the court with towels sort of cleaning them, drying them. (laughter.)
I think they could do with investing in some covers or, you know, I don't know what those -- I don't know what they're called, the things that dry the court. I think they use them in Australia.
I don't think it's necessary really to have a roof. There's only normally a couple of days during the tournament where there is some bad weather but some covers would definitely help.

Q. You don't think it's an unlevel playing field that this would be the open tournament...
ANDY MURRAY: No, I think sometimes it's nice that the tournaments have something a little bit different. I mean, I'm surprised at the French Open they're doing it, because even if it's raining a little bit you can still play.
You know, it's not that often the matches are interrupted or the tournament is interrupted by rain, so, no, I think it's something different, I guess.

Q. Could you clarify the role of Alex Corretja on this team during this US Open? Is he part of your team this year?
ANDY MURRAY: I obviously worked with him. He's not here at the tournament. Before I start I'll speak to him before I start. If I feel I need to speak to him during the tournament, whether that's me or Miles or whoever wants to have a chat about anything, he'll be there. But I worked with him for two weeks in Miami, the week in Montreal. You know, it was just sort of for the -- he hadn't come to any of the tournaments off the clay before, but it was sort of good to have a couple weeks of practice and then the chance for him to watch me playing matches, to see if the things we worked on had been going well. He's not going to be here but if there's anything I need, he'll be on the other end of the phone.

Q. What would it mean to you to win a Grand Slam title?
ANDY MURRAY: Well, it's one of the few things that I want to do now in tennis is, you know, is to win a Slam. It's something that is incredibly difficult to do, and but something that I believe is possible.
You know, I guess when I think a lot of players say when they win their first Slam it's sort of a relief because it's so much hard work that you put into it. So, you know, I'm hoping I can do it here.

Q. What will it take you to win it?
ANDY MURRAY: Well, I need to play well, obviously. You know, once you get to the end of the Slams, you need to raise your game, make sure you're playing great tennis sometimes in the first few rounds that's not always the case, because there are obviously different conditions. Sometimes you haven't played any matches on the court. So, you know, you sometimes have to go through some tough moments, you know, early in the tournament but it's about finding your way through them and then sort of playing your way in, and by the end of the tournament it's going to be important to do everything well.

Q. How different, how much better do you feel you are now than you were at the start of the Open a year ago?
ANDY MURRAY: I feel like I'm playing a lot better. I played, you know, up until sort of Wimbledon last year, I was playing I guess top 10 tennis but not tennis that, you know, that was consistent enough to get me sort of to 2 in the world. So I think that my consistency has been a lot better, and you know, physically I feel stronger than I was last year, you know, in terms of natural parts of my game. There's not one thing I would take out that's got a lot, lot better but I think everything's just got that little bit better and that's the difference when you get close to the top of the sports. There's not one major thing that changes but a lot of little things.

Q. Has your ranking changed the way you think about your game in any way?
ANDY MURRAY: No, not really. I've always viewed my game as, still view my game the same as it was before.
But, you know, there's always things that you try to improve regardless of what your ranking is or, you know, how old or young you are. You're always wanting to try and get better. So, you know, regardless whether you get to No. 1 or No. 2 in the world, you're always trying to improve, and I think that's one of the things that's been very impressive about Roger and Rafa over the last few years, that they've always been to the top of their game but they're always improving.

Q. Do you find playing in New York easier for you than, say, Wimbledon because the crowd...
ANDY MURRAY: No, it's different obviously. But I think I think once the tournament starts, I mean, doesn't make a huge difference. You know, obviously at Wimbledon, the support that I've had has been great over the last few years, and but here I've also had good support. I played some of my best matches here, and you know, obviously last year had a very good run. I don't think it really affects -- I don't feel like it affects the way you perform that much or I would hope that it didn't.

Q. You feel you're under a little less scrutiny being in New York than the hometown hero?
ANDY MURRAY: Yeah, it's normal. It's not like you sort of get followed around, you know. People are not sort of following you back to the hotel whereas back home, you know, you can get people waiting outside your house or, you know, following you to dinner if you want to go out, and it's not obviously like that here. So it makes it a little bit easier to sort of relax away from the court, I guess.

Q. When the draw comes out for these events, do you even bother looking past the first round so you can see who you might face after that?
ANDY MURRAY: No, I always end up getting asked about it, so you end up knowing what, you know, pretty much what the draws are likely or who you might play if you get anywhere, but you kind of learn over the years if you play enough Slams, that sometimes draws open up and the guys that are meant to get there don't, and you know, sometimes they surprise guys that come through and you go right to the finals.
So you kind of know what's going on, but it doesn't really -- it doesn't make me look past who I'm playing at all.

Interview from ASAP
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قدیمی 08-31-2009, 04:57 PM   #163
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آواتار Red-Line
تاریخ عضویت: Dec 2008
محل سکونت: 021
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بازیکن (های) مورد علاقه: رافا نادال - ماریا شاراپووا
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نیما جان من اصلا قصد جسارت یا اینکه بگم من اطلاعاتم در مورد تنیس زیاد هست ندارم !! من اصلا هیچ ادعایی در مورد تنیس ندارم . با این حرفتون هم موافقم که نادال با وجود مصدومیت ضربه بزرگی بهش خورد و دیگه نمیشه گفت بهتر از فدرر بازی میکنه !! ( در این چند بازیی که بعد از مصدومیت اومده ) . اما من بحثم سر قبل از این مصدومیت بود ... که خود شما هم اشاره کردید

در ضمن نیما جان تنیس با فوتبال هزار برابر فرق میکنه !!! من خودم از دیدن صحنه های رالی بیشتر لذت میبریم تا یک ضربه Powerful یا یک ACE . این نظر من هست !! هیچ وقت هم سعی نمیکنم نظرم رو به دیگران تحمیل کنم و بگم این ضربات بد هستند یا فلان سبک بدرد نخوره یا چه میدونم فایده نداره و ... !! خیر هر سبکی طرفدارانی داره و من بهشون احترام میزارم ولی خب من از دفاع بیشتر خوشم میاد ...
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قدیمی 08-31-2009, 05:49 PM   #164
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آواتار Nadal
تاریخ عضویت: Dec 2008
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بازیکن (های) مورد علاقه: Rafael Nadal
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Mardy Fish از US Open كنار كشيد

Mardy Fish به علت مصدوميت از ناحيه دنده، از حضور در رقابت هاي آخرين گرند اسلم سال در نيويورك، انصراف داد.
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قدیمی 08-31-2009, 06:12 PM   #165
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تاریخ عضویت: Jan 2009
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بابا به جون خودم شما خیلی باحالید !!!

من 10 دفعه گفتم نمیخوام این دو رو تشبیه کنم . میخوام منظور رو برسونم . فک کنم اصلا پست های منو نمیخونید !! من یک بار دیگه برای اخرین بار میگم دیگه هم با شما بحث نمیکنم چون اصلا حاضر نیستید هیچ چیز رو قبول کنید !!

من به طور خلاصه میگم دیگه تموم !!

من میگم نادال الان بهتر از فدرر بازی میکنه !!! ( با توجه به شرایط تنیس و ... که توضیحاتش رو دادم ) حالا شما از دفاع خوشتون نمیاد دلیل نمیشه که بد باشه !! شما ها به نظرتون دفاع کردن جذاب نیست به نظر من دفاع کردن جذابه . این نظر شخصی هست . نمیتونید نظر خودتون رو به همه نسبت بدید ....

هیچ کس در این سایت نادال رو از لحاظ بردن گرنداسلم با فدرر مقایسه نمیکنه !! اصلا این مقایسه ممکن نیست !! مشخصه که نمیشه با این اختلاف سنی این دور رو از لحاظ بردن گرنداسلم مقایسه کرد . بحث سر چیز دیگه هست که شما به خاطر تعصبی که دارید حاضر نیستید قبول کنید ....
همون بهتر که بحث نکنی!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

هم سر مارو درد میاری و هم حرف های بدون منطق میزنی
و هم خنده اور

همه دنیا میدونن راجر کیه همه میدونن چند سال پیاپی بهترین ورزش کار جهان بوده .
همه میدونن با اخلاق ترین ورزشکار جهانه.
همه میدونن اسطوره و ثروت مند ترین ورزشکار حال و حضر تنیسه.
اونوقت ادمی مث تو میخواد بگه علف بچه ای مث .... بهتر از راجر کار کرده!!!!!!!!
این یه ادم تعصبی و متین و نجیبه مث ... نیست که دوست دخترشو ببره تو دریا بهاش ... بکنه.

ما هیچ وقت قبول نمیکنیم نادال بهتر از اسطورست و بهتره بحث نکنی.
اگه منطق داشتی فدرر رو توی 4 نفر قهرمانی یو اس اپن میزاشتی!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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قدیمی 08-31-2009, 06:27 PM   #166
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آواتار Red-Line
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بازیکن (های) مورد علاقه: رافا نادال - ماریا شاراپووا
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نقل قول:
ما هیچ وقت قبول نمیکنیم نادال بهتر از اسطورست و بهتره بحث نکنی.
اگه منطق داشتی فدرر رو توی 4 نفر قهرمانی یو اس اپن میزاشتی!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
خـــــــیلی باحالی ... !!

اولا مثل این که جنابعالی بیش از یه نفر هستید ؟!

در ضمن کی من همچین چیزی گفتم !! من همین جا هم میگم فدرر بخت اول قهرمانی هست !! طبق همین استدلال هایی که کردم . من اگه چیزی درست باشه حاظر قبول کنم نه مثل شما ...

ولی من پیش بینی شخصیم اینه که فدرر قهرمان نمیشه !!! مثل نادال که تو رولندگاروس قهرمان نشد . عجب !! پیش بینی شخصی هم نمیتونیم داشته باشیم .....
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9 کاربر زیر از شما کاربر گرامی Red-Line به خاطر این پست سپاسگزاری کرده اند:
قدیمی 08-31-2009, 06:46 PM   #167
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آواتار Nadal
تاریخ عضویت: Dec 2008
پستها: 225
سپاس: 519
در 212 پست 1,714 بار سپاسگزاری شده
بازیکن (های) مورد علاقه: Rafael Nadal
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صحبت هاي برخي از بازيكنان پيش از شروع رقابت هاي US OPEN:

رافائل نادال: "من 100% براي اين مسابقات آماده هستم ولي مطمئن نيستم كه در بهترين سطحم بازي خواهم كرد يا نه!"

ريچارد گسكه: "اينكه بايد در دور اول با رافا بازي كنم، كمي آزار دهنده است. ولي اين مهم ترين مسئله نيست. مسئله مهم، بازگشت به مسابقات و بازي هاست. رافا كسي بود كه از همه بيشتر از من حمايت كرد (تست كوكايين) و اگر روزي به من احتياج داشته باشه، مسلماً من به كمكش خواهم رفت. با اين وجود، من تلاش مي كنم كه شكستش بدم. اين ورزشه ولي مطمئناً هرگز كاري رو كه برام انجام داد، فراموش نمي كنم."

سم كوئري: "درسته كه در سينسيناتي براي اوّلين بار اندي [راديك] رو شكست دادم ولي هنوز ركورد اون از من بهتره و سه بار تا به حال من رو برده. ولي اين به من اعتماد به نفس بيشتري ميده. اگه دوباره باهاش بازي كنم، ميدونم كه قبلاً موفق شدم شكستش بدم، پس مي تونم دوباره هم اين كار رو انجام بدم. همچنين اندي تونسته نادال و فدرر رو هم شكست بده، من هم اندي رو شكست دادم؛ پس من ميتونم اونا رو هم شكست بدم!"

راجر فدرر: "پارسال من احساس مي كردم كه بايد ببرم و خيلي ناراحت كننده بود كه سال گذشته گرند اسلم نمي بردم. امسال احساس بسيار خوبي دارم. از نظر فيزيكي و روحي، احساس شادابي مي كنم كه با توجه به بازي هاي زيادي كه تا كنون در اين فصل انجام دادم، بسيار خوبه."

اندي راديك: "بعد از اينكه در گرند اسلم قبلي خيلي به قهرماني نزديك شدم، الان قصد دارم باز هم نزديك تر بشم!"

اندي موري: "دو تا از بهترين بازيكنان تاريخ، اگر نگوييم دو بازيكن برتر تاريخ، در حال حاضر بازي مي كنند. بنابراين بي احترامي به ساير بازيكن هاست كه نرسيدن به فينال رو به عنوان يك شكست و عدم موفقيت تلقي كنيم. اگر به فينال نرسم، مسلماً ناراحت خواهم شد؛ چون مي خواهم در هر تورنمنتي كه بازي مي كنم، قهرمان شوم ولي با اين وجود فكر مي كنم درك خوبي از تنيس دارم و مي دانم كه مي توان گرند اسلم خوبي داشت و قهرمان نشد."

سرنا ويليامز: "توجه من به گرند اسلم ها هميشه متفاوت است. من بسيار بيشتر از حالت عادي ناراحت مي شوم وقتي در يك گرند اسلم شكست مي خورم. "
Nadal آنلاین نیست.   پاسخ با نقل قول
12 کاربر زیر از شما کاربر گرامی Nadal به خاطر این پست سپاسگزاری کرده اند:
قدیمی 08-31-2009, 06:55 PM   #168
Roger's Fan
آواتار Rio
تاریخ عضویت: May 2009
پستها: 3,457
سپاس: 4,547
در 3,416 پست 18,618 بار سپاسگزاری شده
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نقل قول:
نوشته اصلی توسط حسین مورای نمایش پست ها
ای شیطون چیه راست می گه دیگه ! خیر سرت عضو فوق فعالی !!!!! افتخار نمیدی ؟؟؟؟
عضو فوق فعال چیه حسین جون؟
من کوچیک همه هستم.
Rio آنلاین نیست.   پاسخ با نقل قول
5 کاربر زیر از شما کاربر گرامی Rio به خاطر این پست سپاسگزاری کرده اند:
قدیمی 08-31-2009, 07:07 PM   #169
Former Staff
آواتار Nadal
تاریخ عضویت: Dec 2008
پستها: 225
سپاس: 519
در 212 پست 1,714 بار سپاسگزاری شده
بازیکن (های) مورد علاقه: Rafael Nadal
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من شخصاً قبول دارم كه فدرر بازيكن بزرگي هست و شايد بهترين بازيكن تاريخ تنيسه ولي مطمئناً ميشه به راحتي اين موضوع رو زير سوال برد كه چند دليل براش ميارم:

1. فدرر، Calender-year career grand slam نداره: Don Budge يك بار و Laver دو بار به اين مهم دست پيدا كردند.

2. Rod Laver موفق شد 11 عنوان قهرماني گرند اسلم بدست بياره ولي از سال 1963 تا 1967 يعني در اوج دوران ورزشي خودش، بهش اجازه بازي ندادند و از نظر بسياري از طرفدران Laver و كارشناسان، اگر در اون 5 فصل بازي مي كرد، مسلماً اكنون بيش از 15 عنوان قهرماني مي داشت.

3. در گذشته (بيش از 20 سال قبل) بسياري از بازيكنان بزرگ در بعضي از گرند اسلم ها شركت نمي كردند. مثلاً Bjorn Borg فقط يك بار و Connors تنها دو بار در ملبورن بازي كردند.

4. نادال با توجه به سنش (23) تعداد عناوين قهرماني گرند اسلم بيشتري از فدرر (در سن 23 سالگي) داره و اگر روند كنوني رو حفظ كنه، موفق ميشه ركورد فدرر رو ظرف 5 سال آينده جابه جا كنه. با توجه به ركورد بازي هاي رو در رو هم كه 13-7 به نفع نادال هست و در هفت فينال گرند اسلمي كه اين دو با هم داشتند، فدرر تنها دو بار پيروز شده هم ميشه بهترين بودن فدرر رو زير سوال برد.

البته اين 4 دليل، بعضي از دلايلي هست كه ميشه آورد و معمولاً كساني كه اعتقاد دارند فدرر برترين تاريخ نيست (به ويژه طرفداران نادال و ليور) از اين دلايل استفاده مي كنند و شايد حق با اونها باشه و شايدم نباشه. كلاً جا براي بحث در مورد اين موضوع زياده ولي بهتره واردش نشيم، چون معمولاً بحث به جاي خوبي نمي رسه و به درگيري ختم ميشه. اونايي كه فكر مي كنند فدرر بهترين هست، مسلماً از موضع خودشون كوتاه نميان و بالعكس!
Nadal آنلاین نیست.   پاسخ با نقل قول
9 کاربر زیر از شما کاربر گرامی Nadal به خاطر این پست سپاسگزاری کرده اند:
قدیمی 08-31-2009, 07:11 PM   #170
Roger's Fan
آواتار Rio
تاریخ عضویت: May 2009
پستها: 3,457
سپاس: 4,547
در 3,416 پست 18,618 بار سپاسگزاری شده
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نقل قول:
نوشته اصلی توسط Mohammad_Joulaei نمایش پست ها
همون بهتر که بحث نکنی!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

هم سر مارو درد میاری و هم حرف های بدون منطق میزنی
و هم خنده اور

همه دنیا میدونن راجر کیه همه میدونن چند سال پیاپی بهترین ورزش کار جهان بوده .
همه میدونن با اخلاق ترین ورزشکار جهانه.
همه میدونن اسطوره و ثروت مند ترین ورزشکار حال و حضر تنیسه.
اونوقت ادمی مث تو میخواد بگه علف بچه ای مث .... بهتر از راجر کار کرده!!!!!!!!
این یه ادم تعصبی و متین و نجیبه مث ... نیست که دوست دخترشو ببره تو دریا بهاش ... بکنه.

ما هیچ وقت قبول نمیکنیم نادال بهتر از اسطورست و بهتره بحث نکنی.
اگه منطق داشتی فدرر رو توی 4 نفر قهرمانی یو اس اپن میزاشتی!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

محمد جان حرفهای دوستان واقعا مضحکه!
میگن راجر تو هارد هم بخوبی نادال نیست چرا؟!
راجر 8 تا گرند اسلم هارد کورت داره و نادال یکی!!
میگن راجر تو چمن هم بهتر از نادال نیست چرا؟!!
راجر 6 تا گرند اسلم رو چمن برنده شده و نادال یکی.
باز میگن تو یو اس اوپن کمی راجر بهتر کار کرده
درحالیکه 5 بار پیاپی قهرمان یو اس اوپن شده و همین نادال
تا حالا نتونسته از سمی بالاتر بیاد.
طرفدارهای افراطی نادال و از جمله همین دوست عزیز جناب بهمن
از نجابت دوستان فدرری سواستفاده میکنن که این حرفها را
اینجا میزنن وگرنه خودشون خوب میدونن که این حرفها مهملی بیش نیست!

ضمنا محمد جولایی ما هست چون تمام بچه هایی که منطق و وجدان
دارن و الکی بحث راه نمیندازن با اون هم عقیده هستن.
Rio آنلاین نیست.   پاسخ با نقل قول
5 کاربر زیر از شما کاربر گرامی Rio به خاطر این پست سپاسگزاری کرده اند:

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