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قدیمی 08-23-2014, 06:22 PM   #5
تاریخ عضویت: Jun 2011
پستها: 31
سپاس: 12
در 16 پست 45 بار سپاسگزاری شده
بازیکن (های) مورد علاقه: Roger Federer Pete Sampras Juan Martin Delpotro Stanislas Wavrinka Rafael Nadal
پیش فرض

دوست عزیز بنظر من هم این کفش، مناسب ورزش تنیس نیست هر چند که بقول دوستمون برای دویدن و راهپیمایی میتونه کفش استاندارد و مناسبی باشه
یکی از فاکتورهای مهم کفش تنیس ضربه گیر بودن cushioning و محافظت از مچ پا ankle support است و داشتن یه الگو pattern مناسب جهت زمین های مختلف مثلا الگوی ۸۷ برای زمین های خاکی.

متنی که در زیر اومده رو لطفا بدقت مطالعه کن امیدوارم مفید باشه
توصیه می کنم برای خرید کفش تنیس از برندهای نامدار اون مثل آدیداس و نایک که در ایران هم پیدا میشه استفاده کنی در غیر اینصورت ممکنه دچار آسیب بویژه پیچ خوردگی مچ پا ankle strained بشی
پیروز و شاد باشید
Tennis Shoes

Tennis shoes need lots of cushioning and shock absorption to deal with all the forces placed on your feet during play and to keep your foot and ankle stable. Be sure to choose shoes specifically for racquet sports; running shoes, for example, don't have the support needed for the side-to-side movement's common to tennis. Look for tennis shoes that have a reinforced toe, wiggle room in the toe box, padding at the ball of the foot, sturdy sides, a low, well cushioned heel that is not flared, and a firm heel counter for support.

When shopping for tennis shoes, follow these tips:

Try on shoes with the socks you normally wear to make sure the fit is right.

Go shopping at the end of the day when your feet are larger and fit your shoes to the largest of your two feet.

Let your feet be your guide to fit. Choose only shoes that are comfortable in the store -- don't expect a wear-in period. The shoes should feel supportive, cushioned. And flexible, with some resistance in the heel for greater stability.

Walk around the store in each pair you try on. Be sure to walk on a hard-surface, not just a carpeted floor. Emulate tennis play by jumping up and down in the shoes and making some fast turns to see how the shoes will really perform.

How to select tennis shoes

1. The potential conflict between the requirements of impact attenuation and rearfoot control may be overcome by the selection of shoes with stiffer heel counters, a less compliant (firmer, harder) midsole and a wider heel base at the outsole.

All of these tend to control rearfoot motion without necessarily increasing impact forces or exacerbating subtalar joint movement.

2. Change the shoe at regular intervals. This will prevent the exacerbation of impact forces due to the loss of their impact-absorbing qualities.

3. Ensure the shoes are the correct size. Feet tend to get bigger as the day goes on (due to supporting the body’s weight), so the late afternoon is generally the best time to try shoes on.

4. Select the shoe that is appropriate to the surface being played on. For example, a smooth-soled shoe is unlikely to be effective on clay, whereas on some surfaces a shoe with a large contact area will be an advantage.

Tennis is played on a variety of surfaces, including clay, carpet, grass, and hard court. These main surfaces are reflected by the Grand Slam tournaments, which are played on hard court (US Open and Australian Open), red clay (Roland Garros), and grass (Wimbledon).
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