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قدیمی 02-24-2014, 10:21 AM   #1
آواتار mspayam
تاریخ عضویت: Nov 2012
محل سکونت: Karaj
پستها: 1,137
سپاس: 2,347
در 1,048 پست 7,309 بار سپاسگزاری شده
بازیکن (های) مورد علاقه: Federer, Nadal, Sharapova, Azarenka
پیش فرض ده چیز که باعث می شود حتی اگر تنیس بلد نیستید، رفتارتان در زمین تنیس موجه به نظر برسد


Unlike soccer and volleyball that have been played always and everywhere, tennis requires always some style. If you decide to go on the tennis court although you can’t hold a racquet, you have two possibilities: fake a tear in your back on your first serve, or commit fully to end it safely and with at least some credibility. If you are so good and willing, we at Top 10 fully support you with these 10 tips: sport losers of the world, unite!

1. Show up with at least three racquets.
Have you ever seen a professional golf player with only one club? You didn’t go on the court to play beach tennis, so you have the right to bring along an entire set of racquets – it doesn’t matter if they’re still packaged in cellophane!

2. Be coherent with your equipment.
A one brand equipment will give you a real professional appearance. If you have a Lacoste polo shirt, obviously avoid matching it with Arena shorts and Converse shoes that you use every (rare) sport occasion: think about style and half match will already be won!

3. Always reject one ball before serving.
This implies a certain self-confidence in handling balls and racquet, but it will be useful to convince your opponent that you are experienced. If you commit double fault, don’t mind: by rejecting one ball with an appearance of superiority, you already score one psychological point on your opponent.

4. Nourish yourselves properly during breaks.
A granola bar, a banana (or better: half a banana), chew long and drink from a translucent bottle where you can distinguish a colored liquid, usually blue or apple green. Don’t swallow to quickly, keep the liquid in your cheeks while you put the bottle back in your bag. Needless to say that a cigarette (or even half of it) doesn’t fall in the “food” category.

5. Regularly check the racquet’s strings.
Especially if you have just missed one shot trying to perform a backhand. Keeping your eyes on the racquet will spare you from looking at the players on the near court, who have just risked receiving your famous “backhand” on their faces.

6. Avoid vintage equipment.
This includes terry bands and the “80ies aerobics” style. Don’t even think about the combination bandana + sunglasses, or about wearing a hat with the peak behind! And remember, no wooden racquets, those are useful only to walk on the snow!

7. Copy some professional tic.
Like blowing on your fingers, drying the sweat on your shoulder, giving small strokes on the ground with your racquet, asking for a break when your opponent is about to serve (it helps concentrating, but do it even if you can’t wait to the end of the match: it’s a matter of competitiveness). For every missed shot, repeat the movement pretending you are meditating on your errors.

8. Make sure that no injustice compromises the game.
Check every suspicious ball on the line that isn’t even visible anymore, but that exists; and pretend you are calculating the bounce, helping yourselves with the racquet as a precision instrument.

9. If you are in a tight spot, play the card of complicity.
If you are playing a double match, remember to give your mate a high five for every point, both won and lost, for every serve ended in the net or in the trees. Pretend you are communicating in a strategic way by covering your mouth with a hand: “Fine, now let’s try to hit the ball and send it beyond the net as long as possible…” The decisive strategy!

10. Once the match is lost, take time to digest the defeat.
Sit on the side of the court, with a towel on your head, take 5 minutes to recreate the match in your head and understand when the match, that seemed to be under control, degraded towards the final 6-0, 6-0. Be reassured: without your direct errors, that loser would have never scored so many points.
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6 کاربر زیر از شما کاربر گرامی mspayam به خاطر این پست سپاسگزاری کرده اند:
قدیمی 02-24-2014, 10:27 AM   #2
Senior Member
آواتار Nadal.N1
تاریخ عضویت: Jun 2011
محل سکونت: GorGan
پستها: 202
سپاس: 1,018
در 174 پست 752 بار سپاسگزاری شده
بازیکن (های) مورد علاقه: Nadal- Kvitova
پیش فرض پاسخ : ده چیز که باعث می شود حتی اگر تنیس بلد نیستید، رفتارتان در زمین تنیس موجه به نظر برسد

خسته نباشی
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قدیمی 02-24-2014, 12:09 PM   #3
آواتار mspayam
تاریخ عضویت: Nov 2012
محل سکونت: Karaj
پستها: 1,137
سپاس: 2,347
در 1,048 پست 7,309 بار سپاسگزاری شده
بازیکن (های) مورد علاقه: Federer, Nadal, Sharapova, Azarenka
پیش فرض پاسخ : ده چیز که باعث می شود حتی اگر تنیس بلد نیستید، رفتارتان در زمین تنیس موجه به نظر برسد

قربون شما. من شماره ی 1 و 5 رو همه اش انجام می دم
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قدیمی 02-24-2014, 03:28 PM   #4
Novak's Fan
آواتار Mehdi.A
تاریخ عضویت: Mar 2013
محل سکونت: Earth
پستها: 114
سپاس: 183
در 112 پست 803 بار سپاسگزاری شده
بازیکن (های) مورد علاقه: Bahrami| Becker| Cash| Henman| Ferrero| Nalbandian| Philippoussis| Robredo| Fish| Roddick| Baghdatis| Söderling| Tsonga| Isner| Almagro| Verdasco| Gulbis| Djokovic| Monfils| Seppi| Fognini| Querrey| Kokkinakis| Thiem| Ćorić| Sock| Bryans| Seles| Azarenka| Vekić| Italy in Davis cup & Fed cup
پیش فرض پاسخ : ده چیز که باعث می شود حتی اگر تنیس بلد نیستید، رفتارتان در زمین تنیس موجه به نظر برسد

مورد ۳ من رو یاد ووزنیاکی می اندازه. دقیقآ به تیتر متن هم می خوره. تمام توپ های زمین رو یه دور رد می کنه آخرش هم با ۴ تا دبل فالت پشت سر هم ست رو می بازه
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2 کاربر زیر از شما کاربر گرامی Mehdi.A به خاطر این پست سپاسگزاری کرده اند:

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