نوله در شب گذشته توانست تنها در٤٤دقيقه پيروز شود و به دور دوم مسابقات راه پيدا كند.در حالي كه نواك با نتايج ٠-٦ و ١-٥ پيش بود niland از ادامه مسابقه انصراف داد.نواك در اين مسابقه بازي قابل قبولي را ارائه داد. ست اول مسابقه تنها در ٢١دقيقه به پايان رسيد.هم اكنون ركورد نواك در اين فصل ٢-٥٨ مي باشد.
نواك در پايان مسابقه گفت: “After Cincinnati I took some time off, and I did everything in order to recover the shoulder,”“Today I didn't feel any pain. I served well and I played well, so I have no concern.”
“I think I've played well for these 45, 50 minutes that we had on the court. It's unfortunate for my opponent, obviously. He had food poisoning he told me after the match. But I felt great on the court, and that's something that's really important for the start of the tournament.”