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قدیمی 08-19-2009, 08:45 PM   #122
Hossein Murray
Murray's Fan
آواتار Hossein Murray
تاریخ عضویت: Mar 2009
پستها: 770
سپاس: 4,607
در 706 پست 5,460 بار سپاسگزاری شده
بازیکن (های) مورد علاقه: Andy Murray , Stefan Edberg , Ana Ivanovic Andy Roddick , Roger& Rafa
پیش فرض

US Open Series Interview: Andy Murray Cincinnati August 18th

Q. How was your drive the Escalade from Montreal to Cincinnati, and why didn't you fly?
ANDY MURRAY: I don't know. I just wanted to drive. Me and fitness trainer, Jez wanted to drive. We were gonna do the whole way, but you can't take a car from Canada to the States and leave it.
So we got driven to Buffalo, and then drove from there to here. But it was fine. We get in about 8:30 last night.

Q. Being the defending champ, does that change your preparation at all for this tournament?
ANDY MURRAY: No, not really, I mean, because the points have already come off the computers. There's no sort of pressure in that sort of department to defend anything.
Obviously want to try and do well. Played well here last year and had a couple of -- well, some of my biggest wins here. I beat Federer here for the first time and beat Tim Henman and stuff.
So I had some big wins when I was younger, so try and play well again.

Q. Tennis improvement usually comes in increments, and you're now No. 2. How close do you feel close to No. 1? And two, winning a major at that moment?
ANDY MURRAY: I don't think -- it's not that far. It's a matter of a couple of the matches. You know, if I had had a slightly better run at the Australian Open or instead of losing a tight one to Roddick in the semis at Wimbledon, who knows. I know it's a long way from losing the semifinals to winning, but that would have made a huge difference.
I would be very close to Roger in the rankings if I had won those two matches from the semis onwards. That's really the only difference, is getting slam between being No. 1 and 2 I think. Because the consistency in the other tournaments has been pretty similar.
اینم مصاحبه اندی که توش چیز چندان مهمی نبود فقط گفته با ماشین از کانادا اومده به مسابقات ... از حسش درباره رنک 2 پرسیدن و باقی موندن ... یه کم لوس بازی درآورده و از این حرفای تکراری که همه می زنن ! درباره موفقیت پارسالش تو سینسیناتی و اینکه تو همین مسابقات برای اولین بار فدرر رو شکست داده و گفته که رنک براش اهمیت چندانی نداره و پیشرفت بازیش مهم تره ... و البته یو اس اپن فراموش نشه ! ( بابک جان بازم ببخشید اگه ترجمه نکردم ! )
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