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قدیمی 10-31-2009, 05:00 PM   #1
Former Staff
آواتار Nadal
تاریخ عضویت: Dec 2008
پستها: 225
سپاس: 519
در 212 پست 1,714 بار سپاسگزاری شده
بازیکن (های) مورد علاقه: Rafael Nadal
پیش فرض آندره آغاسی و Crystal meth !!!

Excerpts from Andre Agassi's book "Open," relating to his 1997 use of crystal meth, are being run in The Times and will appear shortly by various magazines.

"Slim [an unidentified assistant] dumps a small pile of powder on the coffee table. He cuts it, snorts it. He cuts it again. I snort some. I ease back on the couch and consider the Rubicon I've just crossed," wrote Agassi in quotes published by The Times.

"There is a moment of regret, followed by vast sadness. Then comes a tidal wave of euphoria that sweeps away every negative thought in my head."

About learning that he had tested positive for recreational drugs, Agassi wrote, "My name, my career, everything is now on the line... I sit in a hard-backed chair, a legal pad in my lap, and write a letter to the ATP... I say Slim, whom I've since fired, is a known drug user, and that he often spikes his sodas with meth - which is true. Then I come to the central lie of the letter. I say that recently I drank accidentally from one of Slim's spiked sodas, unwittingly ingesting his drugs."


Statement from the ITF on Andre Agassi's crystal meth use admission: "The ITF is surprised and disappointed by the remarks made by Andre Agassi in his biography admitting substance abuse in 1997. Such comments in no way reflect the fact that the Tennis Anti-Doping Programme is currently regarded as one of the most rigorous and comprehensive anti-doping programmes in sport. The events in question occurred before the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) was founded in 1999 and during the formative years of anti-doping in tennis when the programme was managed by individual governing bodies.

"The ITF first signed the WADA Code in 2004, and the Tennis Anti-Doping Programme undergoes constant review and improvement. In 2006, the ITF assumed responsibility for administration of the anti-doping programme on behalf of the ATP and then, in 2007, also on behalf of the Sony Ericsson WTA Tour.

"The ITF, Grand Slams, ATP and Sony Ericsson WTA Tour are now unified in their efforts to keep tennis free of drug use, and this should not be overshadowed by an incident that took place over 12 years ago. The statements by Mr. Agassi do, however, provide confirmation that a tough Anti-Doping Programme is needed.”


Following Andre Agassi's revelation that he was let off by the ATP after testing positive for crystal meth in 1997, WADA chief John Fahey tells AP he expects the ATP "to shed light on this allegation"


Reactions to Andre Agassi (updated):

Roger Federer: "It was a shock when I heard the news. I am disappointed and I hope there are no more such cases in future... He has done a lot for tennis, both as a player and as a human being. Today, he raises millions of dollars for his foundation for children."

Rafael Nadal: "If the ATP covered for Agassi then I think that's terrible... The only thing I can say is that if they covered at that moment for the player and punished others for doing the same kind of thing then that would seem to me to be a lack of respect for all sportsmen... Now that he is retired [he] comes out and says this -- it's a senseless way of damaging the sport."

Andy Roddick (via Twitter): "andre is and always will be my idol. i will judge him on how he's treated me, and how he has changed the world for better... if anything we [top players] are subjected to way more testing and attention.. thats just a fact.. and to be fair when andre wrote the reported letter, he was well outside the top 100 and widely viewed as on the way out."

Then-ATP CEO Mark Miles, speaking to the Times: "There has never been a time when an ATP executive decided the outcome of any doping case,” he said. “Each one of those that took place in my period of office at the ATP was heard by a properly appointed independent panel.”

Serena Williams: "I don't even know what crystal meth is, so, you know, that's what my reaction to it is... I haven't read anything about Andre Agassi's book. All I know is I have a book coming out. It's called On The Line."

Venus Williams: "His book will probably sell. It seems really very interesting, to say the least. But, I mean, what am I supposed to say about Andre's life? I can't say anything."

Martina Navratilova, speaking to AP: "Shocking, not as much shock that he did it as shock he lied about it and didn't own up to it. He's up there with
Roger Clemens, as far as I'm concerned."

Mary Joe Fernandez, speaking to AFP: "You know obviously I was disappointed to hear something like that but you know it takes a lot of guts and courage to come out and say something that you know nobody would have really known about."

Mary Carillo, speaking to ESPN: "It would be a much bigger story in this day and age if he had tested positive for performance-enhancing drugs."

Justin Gimelstob, speaking to ESPN: "It's refreshing to finally see an athlete write a memoir that's actually revealing. This is completely in line with who Andre is. When he does something, he does it all the way."

Amer Delic (via Twitter): "...if that's the worst he has done than, it doesn't take anything away from his career... He had to have the balls to come out with the truth when there was no reason other than his guilty conscience."

Anne Keothavong (via Twitter): "Is Agassi's story really that surprising?"

Melanie South (via Twitter): "just heard on news about agassi!!!!!! such a shame."

Somdev Devvarman (via Twitter): "Andre is the man, anyone criticizing is full of [expletive] cause we've all lived a lie in some way or the other..facing it isnt easy..he's the man."
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