نمایش پست تنها
قدیمی 10-01-2013, 07:12 PM   #160
Senior Member
آواتار moris
تاریخ عضویت: Nov 2010
محل سکونت: Tehran numero 12
پستها: 521
سپاس: 2,629
در 521 پست 4,305 بار سپاسگزاری شده
بازیکن (های) مورد علاقه: Rafael Nadal - Fernando verdasco - Ana Ivanovic - Caroline Wozniacki
پیش فرض

نقل قول:
نوشته اصلی توسط tennis hayrani نمایش پست ها
عزیز من فکر نمی­کنید خیلی دارید تند میرید ، من وکیل مدافع کسی نیستم ولی مجبور شدم به این پست شما پاسخ بدم :
تقریبا همه به خرافی بودن نادال باور دارند به جز شما و خود نادال .
تو آخرین تورنمنتی که نادال توش قهرمان شد (یواس 2013) :
According to the New York Post, Nadal dined on Chilean sea bass, fried rice and noodles at a Manhattan Chinese restaurant every evening that he was not playing a night match, including on Sunday, before his finals battle against world No. Novak Djokovic
The report also mentioned that Nadal and a large group of his friends and family, including his longtime girlfriend Xisca Perello, made their way to the restaurant to celebrate the victory with a late dinnerThe report added that the owners kept the kitchen open until 12:30 am to accommodate the champion.
و اینها لیستی از خرافه های همیشگی نادال :
He must have a cold shower 45 minutes before a match
He must carry one racquet on to the court
He must have five other racquets in his bag
He must have wrapped his own white grip on his racquets in the locker room
His bag must be placed next to his chair, on a towel, never on the chair
He must sprint to the baseline after the spin of the coin. A split-step and then a jog around the back court
He must towel down between every point. It can be ace or double fault - he must towel down as if he is covered in sweat
He must run his hair behind both ears
He must touch his nose
He must pick at his underpants
He must drink from two water bottles at changeovers. One bottle has cold water, one is warm
He must face the labels of his drink bottles to the end he is about to play from
He must never rise from his seat before his opponent
He must wait at the net post so his opponent can reach his seat first
He must never walk on the sidelines as if he is avoiding cracks in the pavement
On clay, he must run his foot along the plastic baseline on the side of the court he is about to play from
At the Australian Open, when going from one side of the court to the other, he must walk across the MELBOURNE sign
He must have his socks at the exact same height
He must fold his towels after every changeover
Her cannot step on any lines on the court
این مطالب تقریبا تو هر سایت تنیسی پیدا میشند . البته بعضی از این موارد بیشتر عادتند نه خرافه (به نظر من ) .
شما مجبور نیستید به پست من جواب بدید !!!
همه به خیلی چیزها اعتقاد دارن !! مثلا به روح !!!
شما اول بفرمایید پست من رو دوباره بخونید بعد اظهار نظر کنید روی پست من.من نمیفهمم چرا مد شده تو این انجمن پست رو نخونده ریپلای میکنن !!!
قسمت اول این جمله های انگلیسیتون که اصلا ربطی به قضیه نداره.اینکه تو نیویورک 1 رستوران میرن و .. رو خیلی از سلبریتی ها انجام میدن و یا حتی مردمی که دوست دارن وقتشون رو تو یه جای خاص بگدرونن !!
غذا خوردن هم یه چیز سلیقه ای هست .حالا چون اون غذا رو میخوره شد خرافی ؟؟؟

قسمت دوم جملات هم همونطور که گفتم عادت هست تا خرافات که شما هم گفتید و من هم تو همون پستی که نوشتم بالا اشاره کردم که عادت هستن تا خرافه .
moris آنلاین نیست.   پاسخ با نقل قول
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