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قدیمی 01-15-2011, 09:34 AM   #179
Mohammad Reza
Former Staff
آواتار Mohammad Reza
تاریخ عضویت: Jan 2010
محل سکونت: بندر دیّر
پستها: 2,097
سپاس: 16,684
در 2,094 پست 23,774 بار سپاسگزاری شده
بازیکن (های) مورد علاقه: فقط و فقط راجر فدرر بزرگ
پیش فرض سخنان اندی موری در مصاحبه مطبوعاتی

اندی موری:

ملبورن پارک خاطرات خوب و بد زیادی برای اندی موری جوان اسکاتلندی داشت،او سال گذشته به دومین فینال گرند اسلم خود رسید،او واقعا باور کرده بود که می تواند راجر فدرر را متوقف کند اما همه ما دیدیم که چه اتفاقی افتاد!
شکست،در سه ست،بسیار تلخ و بد!حالا او دوباره بازگشته تا طعم تلخ پارسال را شیرین کند.
" من تا به حال در اینجا باخت های تلخی را داشتم ، اما واضح است که پارسال برخی از بهترین بازی های تنیس عمرم را در این رویداد انجام دادم"
موری گفت وقتی که از او پرسیدند که آیا در بازگشت به اینجا احساس آرامش میکنید"من همیشه لذت می برم از بازی در اینجا و فکر میکنم اینجا بسیار سرگرم کننده برای بازیکنان است".
"در سال گذشته چیزهای زیادی بود که من برگشتم به فرمم و چیزهای زیادی یاد گرفتم،من فکر میکنم از لحاظ ذهنی در یک جای بهتر هستم و از لحاظ جسمی من سخت کار می کنم که دوباره بهتر شوم"
"400 [sprint] repetitions are probably the most painful 'cause you've got to run pretty quick. But it also is a long enough distance, it starts hurting a lot towards the end. 800s are quite tough on the legs, but you're not running as fast. I don't mind that too much. 200 is probably the least painful one, I would say. But 400s I don't like. But that's the distance that I'm good at running. Kind of not ideal," he said smiling.

"You practice with one of the other guys that are ranked high, especially when the weather's been bad, it's a lot easier to get practice courts," Murray explained with a grin. "You get, yeah, kind of priority, and that helps."

"I haven't practiced with Novak to try to beat Roger and Rafa, but he's obviously a great person to practice with because he's, you know, No. 3 in the world, and an incredibly, incredibly tough player."

"He's been around a long time. I think he plays like a lot of the Slovak, Czech players: very flat hitter of the ball. He's talented. He's been a very good player in the past. It will be one of those matches where you don't really know your opponent particularly well. Have to work a few things out once you're on the court."

"To be honest, I don't really care. Like last year, I was seeded 5 here and made it to the final. Been 4, lost in the third round of slams. I don't think it really makes a whole lot of difference where you're seeded. All of those guys are incredibly difficult to beat."

"No one ever really knows exactly how you're going to play. There's always been a few guys getting deep into the tournament normally that haven't done that well at Slams in the past. You just have to try and focus on every match and not get too far ahead of yourself 'cause you're probably not going to play your best right at the beginning."
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