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قدیمی 01-13-2011, 09:29 AM   #68
Former Staff
آواتار Afshin
تاریخ عضویت: May 2009
محل سکونت: Iran-Ahvaz
پستها: 2,906
سپاس: 19,092
در 2,916 پست 30,306 بار سپاسگزاری شده
بازیکن (های) مورد علاقه: Roger Federer
پیش فرض


بچه های نادالی خبرو بخونن

نادال هم توی برنامه ی خیریه شرکت میکنه !

چی شده که این روزها همه بدنبال جذب تماشاچی هستند ؟!!


اینم صحبتهای فدرر و نادال و هیوئیت در مورد این رویداد :

"Along with many of the other players I was moved by the devastation caused by the floods in Australia," Federer said today. "We just wanted to do something to help aid the recovery because we know there are thousands of Australians who will continue to suffer as a result of this disaster."


This is a terrible tragedy, not only the loss of life but the destruction of people's homes," Nadal said. "I am pleased to be able to contribute in some way to help bring it to the attention of the world and raise some money for the victims in the process."


As an Australian I cannot help but be touched by such an awful turn of events. It is a disaster on a massive scale," Hewitt explained. "Australians are incredible at pulling together in times of crisis and this is certainly one of those times. If the tennis community can also help play a role in the recovery then we should, both in Australia and internationally. I just think at a time like this it is a case of getting all hands on deck."

ویرایش توسط Afshin : 01-13-2011 در ساعت 09:40 AM
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