نمایش پست تنها
قدیمی 08-11-2009, 05:49 PM   #120
Junior Member
تاریخ عضویت: Dec 2008
پستها: 22
سپاس: 20
در 18 پست 132 بار سپاسگزاری شده
پیش فرض

اين لينك نظر يكي از كاربران در مورد علت واقعي شكست نادال در رولان گاروس وسپس عدم شركت در ويمبلدون است.
و اين هم نظر اون كاربر

Some questions keep nagging...
Is Nadal really­ injured?­ Why isn't he resting the knee? He's­ been­ photographed doing some other sports that could­ put­ strain on the knee.
During the french open, he­ was­ quoted as having contemplated legal action against­ WADA­ (anti doping) officials for incessantly being on­ his­ tail.
Again after losing to Soderling, he­ emphasised­ that the reason he was winning so often was­ his good­ play and not physical fitness.
Why is he­ answering­ questions that no one is asking him?
His­ sudden run of­ bad form has coincided with the scrutiny­ from­ anti-doping officials. Is this a mere­ coincidence? Or­ is there more to it than meets the­ eye?
Why is his­ participation in Wimbledon now­ shrouded in doubt?­ Injury or confidence problems? Is­ the feeling of­ assurance - invincibility! - offered by­ performance­ enhancing substances gone?
The tennis­ world and indeed­ all of sports may soon receive some­ SHOCKING­ news!!!
فكر نميكنم نيازي به ترجمه داشته باشه.
من پيگير شدم ببينم نظر ايشون چقدر صحيحه.
منتظرم نظر ديگر دوستان هم بشنوم تا نتيجه جستجوم رو بگم.

ویرایش توسط ROGER FEDERER : 08-11-2009 در ساعت 05:51 PM
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