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قدیمی 08-02-2009, 09:24 PM   #11
Tech Support
آواتار Mohammad
تاریخ عضویت: Nov 2008
پستها: 3,759
سپاس: 22,285
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مجبورم كرديد برم دنبالش بگردم:

نقل قول:
An excerpt from his press-conference:


Q. But there was somebody called Rod Laver who couldn't play twenty Slams in five years, and Rosewall didn't play 11 years, so 44 Slams. So, you see, press sometimes emphasizes something. What's your reaction thinking about Laver and Rosewall and your record and Sampras?

ROGER FEDERER: I'm very well aware of the problems the old generation of Laver and Rosewall and all those players faced. That's why I always said I'm one of the players who's most thankful to them of what they've done for us. Look where prize money is today and the great sites we have.

Now there's even more money being pumped into the Australian Open. That's all thanks to them for not playing a lot of money and missing out on twenty Grand Slams. Back then, nobody knew what tennis was going to become, so it was also easier to say no to those kind of things.

Probably never quite know who was the greatest of all‑time in tennis, and I think that's quite intriguing as well. Of course, if somebody goes off and wins 35 Grand Slams then you made your point as a player.

But, still, I think it's fantastic that they named the center court after Rod Laver who did so much for tennis. Yeah, I mean, 14 is more ‑‑ the new generation, the Open era, I could maybe become the greatest of all‑time of that era, but never of all‑time.

I'm very well aware of that. I think it's an incredible opportunity to do well.

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