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قدیمی 10-27-2009, 12:28 AM   #91
Former Staff
آواتار milad28235
تاریخ عضویت: Jan 2009
محل سکونت: پایتخت!!!
پستها: 4,573
سپاس: 12,363
در 4,450 پست 29,183 بار سپاسگزاری شده
بازیکن (های) مورد علاقه: چه کسی جز افسانه ی بی تکرار؟؟!!!
پیش فرض

اظهار نظر سفین راجع به فدرر:

Tom Perrotta: Some of your favorites?

Marat Safin: [Roger] Federer of course because he can do anything he wants with the ball. He makes you play all different kinds of shots, slices, high balls, slow balls, low balls, topspin—you cannot really get a grip on the ball, which makes it complicated. You are out of rhythm all the time.

Tom Perrotta: Your win over Federer in the semis at the 2005 Australian Open: Would you rate that match as more important than your victory over Sampras at the U.S. Open? [Safin went on to beat Lleyton Hewitt in the final.]

Marat Safin: I think it was probably the biggest match, but it was a different year, different circumstances, different time of career. I achieved the first Grand Slam, and the second Grand Slam, a lot of people were expecting it. “Is he going to win another one or not, or just stick with one and not do much about it?” So for me it was very important to win the second one—it was important for my ego. I had to go through tough moments, I had two finals before I won the Australian, and playing against Federer, of course—look at him now, he's the best player in the history of tennis. To play against him is not really easy, especially if he's in the semifinals it means that he's playing well, he's in perfect timing, perfect condition.
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